Houston urban debate league

Whether you're a student trying to learn about debate on your own, a coach looking for materials to add to your classroom curriculum, or a parent or administrator trying to get a toehold on how to bring the benefits of debate to your students, taking the first steps can be a challenge. We'd like to help. We're always on the lookout for helpful and interesting teaching resources. Here are some select items to get you started.
Our friends at the National Association for Urban Debate Leagues have produced this Educator's Activities Manual to help classroom teachers and volunteers. The materials are designed specifically for educators with limited background and experience with debate.
The legendary debate coach, Alfred "Tuna" Snider, created this outline of a sixteen-week policy debate curriculum as an aid to classroom teachers. For those already familiar with debate concepts, the curriculum is a great step-by-step guide to setting up a one-semester program.
Bill Smelko and Will Smelko's textbook-style introductory volume, Debate 101: Everything You Need to Know About Policy Debate You Learned Here, encapsulates the basics of debate and introduces topics useful to the advanced competitor.
In 2011, HUDL faculty put together this collection of lesson plans for coaches' use, including a syllabus, lecture outlines, exercises, first-semester exam, and practice guides. While the debate topics have changed, it's still a great how-to for the teacher just starting out.